Wednesday, August 31
Social Media revolution is fad ?
Well, this video below here, is your answer :
PS : At Qalixa , we are still researching what channels to use for marketing and what not. We encourage readers to comment their views.
Please visit Qalixa
Wednesday, August 10
Implement Google Instant Page technology to your website or blog
Here are the details :
1) Websites :
Open your website template and, before the closing </head> tag, include the following code:
<link rel="prerender" href="">The URL ( should point to the next “logical” page. For instance, if you have a photo gallery or a long article that spans multiple pages, the URLs could point to different parts of the page. The prerender tag on Page 1 could point to Page 2 while the prerender tag on Page 2 could point to Page 3 and so on.
A small business website may link to their “about” page or the “products” pages from the “home” page using the Instant Pages tag as that’s where potential customers are likely to go once they land on the home page.
2) Wordpress blogs :
Open your header.php file, copy-paste the following code inside the closing <head> tag and you’re done.
<?php if (is_archive()) { ?><!-- Instant Pages for Google Chrome -->
<link rel="prerender" href="<?php echo get_next_posts_page_link(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
3) Blogger blogs :
Still searching for a way to enable it. If any of our reader has the code to change in template or header, please share with us.
Here is the video describing about Google's Instant Page technology :
This is the chart for this year's browser trend from Stat Counter.
If you compare the graph, you will come to know that chrome is increasing popularity, and we are hoping that after this instant page loading feature, chrome will gain more popularity.
Note : One of best thing apart from the fact that it is free, Qalixa works with majority of browsers.
Wednesday, August 3
Adding Poll to your blog
We came to know about Poll Daddy from, from here.
We are finding it quite interesting, and we hope, our viewers will be polling in their votes :)
If you want to know how to create a Poll, you can check at this link.
We are looking for more suggestions and are thinking, what should be the update frequency of the polls, any suggestions ?
We do hope, we will be able to find out some interesting polls for our viewer(s)
Tuesday, August 2
Programmer’s guide to stress-free coding
A project’s building block is a programmer.Generally, they are always under heavy stress, because of project deadlines, commitment, technical complexities, mis-understandings, communication gaps , pressure from management etc…
For a stress-free coding, Qalixa team is using a simple approach of “RIDBIO” concept !
“ Get the Requirement & Use your Imagination ;Discuss the imagination & Build in Order “
1) Understand the Requirement & Use your Imagination
Before starting your work, use your imagination to understand what the task/ requirement is. Try to imagine how much elements will be used, how much classes may need to code, on UI part, how much changes or new elements are required.
2) Discuss the Imagination & Build in Order
Coding is like building a house, how are you going to build your house ?
As shown below in graphic, or you are going to build it in order ?
Many times it happen that a programmer gets away with complexities of the project, and is unable to deliver what he is capable of. One should always stay focussed about task, and should try to complete it in smaller parts.
”Do the simple bits first, you may never need the complex bits ! ”
Always code the simple cases first. Not only is it more likely that the requirements and specification process has got the simple cases right (more people at more meetings can understand them), but it's less hassle if you have to throw them and start again.
3) Test , test, test & TEST
Think of it like building a house.Before you build the walls, you want to make pretty sure the foundations are stable. If you find a fault with the footings after the walls are raised it's going to cost a lot to get it fixed. If the roof's gone on and the furniture is in place, that same fault might cost more than the house to put right. One should make sure that every function, every method, every object, every subroutine has an associated automatic test harness which tests normal, limit and error cases for every parameter, and makes sure it does the right thing.
4) Working in ‘ bits ‘
If you work regular office hours, try to divide your work into chunks you can complete in a day. Try to build and test some sort of subsystem by the end of a week, and so on. It seems obvious, but it's amazing how many people don't even try to do this.
First it lets you free your mind from clutching onto part-finished work. I've never been able to fully relax if I have remember where I've got up to for tomorrow; well, not and do any useful work the next day, anyway. The second benefit is the happy "kick" we all get from "closure". I get a physical sense of release when I've finished and tidied a piece of work; a feeling of "now I could do anything!".
Summarizing up the things :
Coding : At the end of the day, if the program doesn't run and make money for the client, you haven't done anything.
Testing : You have to know when you're done. The tests tell you this. If you're smart, you'll write them first so you'll know the instant you're done. Otherwise, you're stuck thinking you maybe might be done, but knowing you're probably not, but you're not sure how close you are.
Listening : You have to learn what the problem is in the first place, then you have to learn what numbers to put in the tests. You probably won't know this yourself, so you have to get good at listening to clients - users, managers, and business people.
Designing : You have to take what your program tells you about how it wants to be structured and feed it back into the program. Otherwise, you'll sink under the weight of your own guesses.
Saturday, July 23
Success story of "Angry Birds"
Journey of Angry birds began as :
" It all began when a Senior Game Designer at Rovio named Jaakko Iisalo showed the team sketches of the birds. Taking inspiration from the swine flu epidemic that was a grave concern at that time, they decided to make the pigs the bad guys. Though they had a clear idea on the concept, it was a hard thing to pitch, as a game that consists of swinging birds that could not fly at pigs, was definitely something hard to sell." as quoted here.
It took one year to develop angry birds, after which, Rovio team decided to spend all on marketing channels, over iPhones. It was a big risk for them, but it eventually worked out, as quoted here.
Peter Vesterbacka talks of the high-flying success of Rovio's mobile game Angry Birds :
Angry Birds is now downloaded more than 1 million times a day.
As of June 2011, Angry Birds has been downloaded more than 250 million times (across all platforms and game versions).
And there are lots of more to share, while reading over net, we found out some of findings :
"We then started defining a plan of how we're going to do that. We had a plan that we were going to do ten smaller games, and maybe one of those would be very successful." That first game, by the way, was Angry Birds, which was dusted down and given a new sense of purpose. “ As quoted by Rovio, here.
People at Rovio were facing ups & downs and were through their troubled times, when angry birds was invented, they just had their idea and a vision, nothing else… This made us believe that one does not need a strong base or lots of money to get big hit. One just need creativity, original idea, and a commitment.. Success is then sure to follow.
Further readings :
We will be presenting in this special section, “Success Story”, the success stories of various giants or smaller groups, who made a difference.
What do you think ? Are there any success stories that you want to share with us ? Please share with us.
Thursday, July 7
भारत के प्रमुख व्यापार मेले (Major trade fairs of India)
अगर आप भारत में व्यापर मेलों से व्यापार बड़ाने के बारे में सोच रहे हैं , तो
जुलाई २०११ में भारत में जो व्यापार मेले होने वाले हैं, उनमे से प्रमुख कुछ इस प्रकार हैं :
(भारतीय फैशन आभूषण और उपसाधन प्रदर्शनी )
Chennai, India
Note : The respective images belongs to original owners only, images displayed here for reference only, neither Qalixa, nor bloggers from Qalixa owns anything. Informational purpose only.
Wednesday, June 1
Children gift suggestions from Qalixa
Today, I was giving support to one of my client, who was adding toys in children segment in Qalixa, he told me that today is international childrens day.
I thought, no it cant be, because at sweden we celebrate it on first monday of October, (some people @ may 13).
After going through google & wikipedia, I realized that different countries celebrate International children day at different dates. ! See this link.
Then I thought, some people must be looking for suggestions to purchase gifts for there child.
Are you also searching gifts for your cute angels & little heroes ?
Well, Qalixa can suggest some categories to go through.
If you are looking to buy for your children, go through products listed in following category :
1) Baby Toys collections @ Qalixa
2) Child Safety items for notorious ones @ Qalixa
3) Kids and Baby Accessories @ Qalixa
4) Toys @ Qalixa
Abigail Van Buren once quoted as " If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money. "
Team Qalixa wishes you happy moments with your child !
Saturday, May 7
Trying out with Free URL Shorteners
There are many free sites that provide the functionality to shorten the URLi. URL shortening is very effective, when you have a complex URL but to easily share, you want to shorten it, thus allowing you to post on tweeter feeds, easy for people to remember, and many sites also provide the feature to record the stats, so that you can keep a eye, how many hits you got.
We feel very tempted specially about the clicks monitoring part, and so, decided to test these features, with the URL shortener sites, available in market, of course, this list contains some of those, who are free, as you all must be knowing, Qalixa strongly believes in “free things” !
There is already a post published in our tech blog, about Qalixa’s link shortened by various URL’s. In this post, we simply review those in a brief manner.
Top 3 services according to us are, & in no respective order, is very famous Stumble Upon community, is service by google, and is very popular with tweeter.
Our fun ends for now with the URL Shorteners, how did it went for you ?
Qalixa Shortened URL
You can read about URL Shorteners here & here .
These shortened URL's can be used for publicity / marketing via twitter / facebook / emails.
1) link :
Statistical information available @ Stats for Qalixa
2) Link :
Statistical information available @ Stats for Qalixa
3) tiny URL Link :
4) Stumbled Upon Link :
Statistical Information available @ SU Stats for Qalixa
5) Ow.Ly Link :
6) Link :
7) Link :
8) SnipURL .com Link :
Have you been using any URL Shortener recently ? Are you monitoring the clicks ? How did it go ? Share with us your experiences !!!
Saturday, April 30
QR Codes
Tuesday, April 12
Webhallen's integration
This makes total of 31469 offers, which are live today.
We are grateful to Webhallen, and also to our technical team, who integrated such a huge number of offers in less then a week.
" This was a easy task, the way we have designed the system, we can integrate offers very fast, however it was the Quality Checking that took the most of time. ", quoted one of our developer.
We invite our swedish & global users to go shopping @
For other retailers / stores, we are simply thinking, how long will it take for you to take such a simple decision?
Join us, and be a part of global revolution.
Register yourself @ and add the offers for free !
Friday, April 8
simulate your internet speed
Wednesday, March 30
Paid Android applications for free to test
Amazon App Store is available at this link.
Saturday, March 26
And the Name "Java"
Check out James gosling himself letting the secrets out !!!
Tuesday, March 22
Use facebook to register your profile
Thus, you may not need to fill up the complete registration form or you may not need to add one more login credentials to your memory.
“This feature is targetted for personal profiles, but firm registration is also possible, if a firm has facebook account “ chuckles one of the developer.
We hope, this minor change will be very beneficial for the personal profiles.
-- Technical team, Qalixa
Monday, March 14
Blog Launch
We are trying to make this blog as diverse as possible, because this is what we are.
We haven't limited ourselves to a single domain or single technology, instead, Qalixa is, which goes for all the technologies, and implements the hybrid solutions, taking best of all.
May be that is why, we claim to be unique of our type, presenting for you, Business for All (B4A) concept !
We encourage viewers to comment, whatever they feel and we will always like your opinion, whether you like a post or not.
We, as a part of blogger are amateur bloggers, blogging about what we feel, this is not the Official Blog, this is a blog, rather, started by tech & announcement teams, just to express ourselves more. Hoping to get something worth to viewers,
-- Isabella, from Qalixa Announcement Team.
Technorati tags : Qalixa,b4a,b2b,b2c